Saturday, October 21, 2017

Mini-Project Completed: Slugs Are Cool! Video Book

By the end of our mini-project, my students knew more about slugs than I could ever have anticipated.  We wrote a class book about slugs, and they blew me away with the facts they remembered and how they explained them.  We published the book as a storywalk along the hallway to our classroom, interspersed with our slug art projects and a sign that read "Follow Our Slime Trail".  This was a big hit at Family Night, and the kindergarteners especially like looking at it on their way to art and music.

This week, my class hosted our all-school Community Meeting.  I used the Spark video app by Adobe to transform our storywalk into a video book.  I took a photo of each page (right in the app), and had the kids record their own voices reading the pages they had produced.  Add a little music, and voilĂ !  An easy but impressive way to share what we had learned and make a more formal exhibition of our project to the whole school.

Mini-Project Completed: Slugs Are Cool! Video Book

By the end of our mini-project, my students knew more about slugs than I could ever have anticipated.  We wrote a class book about slugs, an...