About Me

I'm an elementary school teacher in Vermont.  I have taught grades K-3, and I'm currently teaching second grade.

I am passionate about early reading, particularly providing targeted interventions for struggling readers early on, and matching books to children to help them "catch" the love of reading.  I love integrating art, music, and cooking into the curriculum, and getting students as messy as possible during science.
I rocked it in my school shoes as Pete the Cat at our Halloween Dance.

My school uses the Responsive Classroom approach.  My district has been working for several years on Critical Explorations, a way of intentionally developing deep student thinking, and I'm continuing to explore how this method of pedagogy can be integrated into larger units of study.  We're also beginning a district-wide move toward Project Based Learning, and I'm very excited to see where it takes us!

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Mini-Project Completed: Slugs Are Cool! Video Book

By the end of our mini-project, my students knew more about slugs than I could ever have anticipated.  We wrote a class book about slugs, an...